Who is writing these scripts
And why have I been type cast
I gotta call my agent cause something has to be done
I’ll do this one cause I already said I would
BUT this is the last one
No more after this…
At least if I won an award or something it would be worth it
Got some notoriety or my name in lights
At this rate I’m gonna catch a nom for Best Supporting Actor in a Rom-Com but only win vicariously through another
Not once removed from glory but thrice if I’m lucky
Ill walk the red carpet but you won’t find it in any media
No publications
No interviews
No billboards
No podcasts
Just cast in pod sitting on a shelf until specifically needed to throw out my one-liner and trigger the laugh track
Could you at least update that
Could my theme music at least be original
Nope it’s canned just like I’m about to be
That’s nice
Real nice