I’m not what you expected
Honestly, that may not be true
But I wouldn’t know because you’ve never talked much about you
At least not in a real sense.
You’ve talked about your career
All the buddies you’ve made along the way
Not one of them sat you down and told you to stay
I don’t have buddies like that I guess.
What was it like growing up
Who did you look up to
I know who I wanted to look up to
But now I tower over you.
Did you love to read
Was school just a nuisance
Were you a bully or even ruthless
I know you liked money and p….
But none of this I know from you
None of your thoughts, dreams, just the fruit of your desires
Did you have thoughts and dreams for them or were they just a side effect of you being mired in some women
You say you care
But have proven nothing of the sort
I stuff my feelings down
Sometimes let loose a sarcastic retort
But in all reality, lying in your coffin will just be like your lived reality
Cold and Lifeless
And I’ll be stuck with my inheritance: unanswered questions about why you are like this