Thoughts are interesting things aren’t they.
They appear out of nowhere
Flitting in and out
Taking vacations on your cortex
Sunbathing on your cerebellum
Sneaking from the smallest most obscure places to a screaming halt smack dab in the middle of the forefront ahem forehead or center stage in the theater of your mind
Sometimes it’s the gentlest thing
soft and sentimental
reminiscent of warm things,
feed your soul things
Alas at other times, they are dismal
born of the abyss,
regurgitant bile erupted onto the home box office in your gray matter casing
Which should I let take root
The blue or the red
The ebullient or the dread
The heart or the head
They say thoughts are just neurons firing
Electrons not yet expiring
So if it’s just electricity, can someone short circuit my sh*t.
Sorry for the profanity.
I’m always sober, so these are just my thoughts
As I repeatedly sing “thoughts” in my head like the white rabbit chanting “I’m late, I’m late for a very important date.”
Maybe if I had more of those, I wouldn’t have these sober thoughts.